Hands, With Heart.
Massage Therapy
Health & Wellness Alternatives for Mind, Body & Spirit
Therapeutic massage sessions are offered for all ages in a quiet, relaxing, comfortable, nature surrounded environment. The benefits include stress reduction, increased flexibility, pain relief, injury rehabilitation, body awareness, and overall health and well-being maintenance.
For most of us, today's challenge is to be able to live a peaceful, healthy, happy existence. Finding balance, while attempting to meet the stressful demands and struggles of daily life, seems impossible at times. Pressures and difficulties accumulate and self care becomes compromised which can lead to health, relationship, financial, work or other problems, sometimes to the point of serious crisis in one’s circle of life.

“I have never been able to relax during a massage before. I feel very safe with you.”
“The Circle of Life program helped me with goals and helped me gain peace.”
“This room is always so cozy warm and smells so good. I just love coming here for my massages.”
You deserve your health.
I am pleased you are here and hope I can be of assistance to you in your journey to optimal health and wellness.
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